Accurate Personality Type in just 45 seconds and 12 questions Millions of people worldwide are using personality tools to give them an advantage in their careers, their friendships, their relationships and their lives. In business, career, love whether to build better relationships with family, work colleagues or partner, or to gain more influence a knowledge of your personality type preferences and those of others can contribute to you being more successful. Download now.

Personality Express alternatives

Profile Me - a quick Personality Test based on Research by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers

Profile Me is a very quick and simple personality test that will accurately determine your key personality traitsProfile Me is based on the Temperament Sorter, which was designed by Dr. David Kersey, based on the research done by Isabel Myers and Kathryn Briggs, who developed the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Through a simple test, which is made of multiple choice questions, Profile Me will determine your personality profile, by determining four dominant character traits. The app also includes a number of learning resources and tools.

  • size 18.5 MB

Happy Hypnosis - Stop Depression Anxiety & Stress

Includes NEW playlist feature Make a playlist of your in-app purchases and customize your sessionUnlock all in-apps for one low price and save over 70% Its time to be happy, motivated, and energized Dont go through life feeling depressed and down or struggling with stress and anxiety. Lift your spirits with an encouraging and uplifting hypnotherapy session by Rachael Meddows Hypnosis. This app features: * Soothing, therapeutic hypnotherapy tracks designed by Rachael Meddows* High quality, state of the art recordings* Playlist feature you can customize with in-app purchases* Hypnosis instructions that can be opted out of once you have learned how hypnosis works* Your choice of a short or long hypnosis induction* Your choice of one of four different soothing background animations and sounds to enhance your hypnosis experience* Customizable wake or sleep endings: - The option to wake you up when the program has finished - A built-in alarm clock to wake up at a particular time - Program the app to allow you to remain asleep after completing hypnosis In-app options include: Positive Thinking, Financial Success, Attract Good Luck, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Relaxation, Focus, Face Your Fears, Mindful Eating, Deep Sleep, Seduction, Intimacy, Inner Peace and Calm, Confidence and Inner Strength, Lucid Dreaming, and more

  • rating 4.54167
  • size 112 MB

KNOW YOUR TYPE The Personality

Follow the path to self-discovery and acceptance and learn to interact effectively with other people using this complete Enneagram App as your guide. This App, based on the accurate and powerful personality system known as the Enneagram, features the following 9 areas: FIND YOUR TYPE: In this interactive game, discover which of the 9 Enneagram types best describes you. Her company, The Enneagram in Business, helps individuals and organizations use the Enneagram system for success in their personal and professional lives.

  • size 44.0 MB

Know Yourself

* Almost 200,000 people have already downloaded this app. Get it now too *Did you know that people are born with and develop during their lifetime certain preferred ways of thinking and acting? Answer this questions and see

  • size 24.0 MB