TABLE (Technological Augmented Bilingual Learning Environments) un progetto multidisciplinare finanziato dalla Regione Veneto tramite il Fondo Sociale Europeo, in collaborazione con lUniversit degli Studi di Padova. Lobiettivo del progetto consiste nel verificare se e in quale misura gli strumenti didattici multimediali possano facilitare lacquisizione dellitaliano, e conseguentemente lapprendimento scolastico, in bambini bilingui in et prescolare. Successivamente, con supervisione delle sperimentatrici, verr presentato ai bambini Parlaspesa; lultima fase prevede la verifica dellefficacia del gioco linguistico multimediale proposto, mediante gli strumenti utilizzati prima della presentazione dellApp.

ParlaSpesa alternatives

App For Kids

Bienvenue sur lAppli pour enfants Un jeu sympa et ducatif pour les enfants de 0 4 ans 110 mots et sons sont dcouvrir. Lorsque vous cliquez sur un animal, un vhicule ou un autre objet, celui-ci sanime et le son associ est jou, par exemple un chien qui aboie. Les images sont rparties en 8 catgories diffrentes :- Animaux- Vhicules- Musique- Fruits- la maison- Habillement- Couleurs- Devine limageLinterface entirement en franais est trs claire, interactive, et conue brillamment pour convenir aux jeunes enfants.

  • rating 3.625

Storie per Sognare HD

I tuoi figli vogliono sempre storie quando vanno a letto? Sono annoiati dei soliti vecchi libri di storie che hai a casa? Non fantastico?La morale della storia incoraggia il pensiero del bambino mentre insegna loro la correttezza, lamicizia e i comportamenti corretti della societ.

  • size 38.8 MB

Niki Talk

Give a Voice to Your Child. Augmentative and Alternative Communication. Male or female voices are available for the following languages:Catal, etina, Dansk, Deutsch, , English, Espaol, Franais, Italiano, Magyar, Nederlands, Norsk, Polski, Portugus, Suomi, Svenska, Trke, , , , , .You can use the Designer on PC, Mac and iPad.

  • rating 3.8
  • size 12.1 MB

TicTic : Learn Italian

Learn Italian with TicTic. TicTic is the main character of an interactive picture book. Free to try.

  • size 120 MB

Learn Italian Baby Flash Cards

EFlashApps Italian Featured in Whats Hot on Appstore Education Apps Categories include: Food items, Animals, Alphabet, Transportation, Numbers, Colors & Shapes, Clothing, Household items, Body Parts, Outdoor items, Music Instruments/Arts & Learning. * Kids tested - they love it Parents tested - they love it * Building vocabulary has never been so much fun* 11 Categories - All in 1 App * Large words and letters * Large icons and buttons* Professional voiceovers recorded in production studio* High quality images* Real sounds where applicable* Question mode for parent-child interaction* Great memory building exercise* Over 450 words * FREE Building strong Italian vocabulary has never been so exciting for preschoolers and toddlers. Complexity of words is perfect for ages 1 to 4 so two or more young siblings can play together and even teach eachother

  • size 61.7 MB