Enfin dcid prendre votre sant en main ?Flicitation Faites votre bilan de vitalit 100% en ligne. Une fois lapplication tlcharge allez dans mon bilan et suivez les tapes. Contactez-nous : [email protected] ou +33(0)651572006

Onaturo alternatives

Health through Breath - Pranayama Lite

Stressed? Balance your life and experience a relaxed meditative state to relieve your daily stresses and tensions. * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA

  • size 57.4 MB

Cardiac Coherence Assistant L

The application that works with sound, when your iPhone / iPad goes into sleep mode. This feature prevents the battery to be too much discharge when we launch a cardiac coherence cycle. Cardiac Coherence is compatible with VoiceOverTo improve the application, write a review to the app or write at this email address : [email protected]

  • size 29.3 MB

idstress - Meditate, find calm

HeartRate+ Coherence PRO | Measure Coherence and Heart Rate

HeartRate+ Coherence PRO now introduces the heart rate detection also via Bluetooth devices Monitor your Heart Rate and improve your Cardiorespiratory Coherence with the Breathing Guide. Why is this important to you? MAIN FEATURES HeartRate+ Coherence PRO is the first application to accomplish all the following tasks: - Bluetooth enabled- Cardiorespiratory Coherence Monitor- Real Time Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Monitor - Breathing Guide - History of exercises - Sharing on Twitter, Facebook and email - Customizable Breathing Pattern

  • rating 4.66667
  • size 26.2 MB

Kardia - Anti-Stress Breath Pacer

Do you feel stressed, anxious or unfocused? Do you have trouble falling asleep? With Kardia, you can set very precisely the exercise frequency, so you will just need a few tries to find out the value that gives you the best results.

  • size 63.2 MB