Aplicativo mvil para el aniversario de GMD que permite:- Publicar noticias y adjuntar fotos- Comentar las publicaciones de otros colaboradores- Visualizar la agenda del evento - Permite el registro al evento mediante cdigo QR- Permite ubicar el lugar del evento

Olimpiadas GMD 2017 alternatives


*Currently TU Go is available for Movistar customers in Argentina, Peru, Colombia and Mexico, O2 customers in the United Kingdom, and Vivo customers in Brazil. Text. ()The service is only available for prepaid customers in Mexico who do not have the Movistar ON service or Entretonos activated, and who have registered in the application before 11 August 2017, because after that date new user registration will be disabled in the app.

Facebook Mentions

Facebook Mentions is currently only available to verified public figures. To gain access to Mentions, visit http://facebook.com/mentions. Tell Your Story - Start conversations directly from your phone by posting updates, sharing photos or videos, or hosting a live Q&A.

  • rating 4.0
  • size 375 MB