You are a hungry worm that needs food. You can only eat the food that has the correct math problems on them however. Buy the game now and get access to everything

Numbers worm - Solve addition and subtraction problems alternatives

Maths with Springbird HD - Mathematics

[My son] isnt very confident when it comes to maths so often doesnt try. Until now. Our privacy policy is here:

  • size 81.3 MB

LetterSchool ABC: Aprende el alfabeto & abecedario

Con LetterSchool hacer caligrafa es guay Juega para aprender a escribir todas las letras del abecedario y los nmeros del 1 al 10 con LetterSchool. Los nios practican las aptitudes esenciales mientras disfrutan de cuatro emocionantes juegos por letra o nmero. Si tienes alguna pregunta, envanos un correo electrnico a la direccin [email protected].

  • rating 4.32727
  • size 63.6 MB

ABC's Writer

ABCs Writer lets you draw with your fingers and save your art. Trace all the letters of the alphabet, or draw whatever you want

  • size 11.1 MB

Educational games for kids - Animals, music, puzzles and more!