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Quotes: Daily Quote of the Day

Start your day with an Inspirational and Motivational quote Our aim is to provide you with a brief daily moment to reflect, or in times of adversity, the inspiration to persevere. We have carefully selected each quote. The Wall Street Journal Personal Tech, 30 May 2014. http://online.wsj.com/articles/girl-scouts-ceo-anna-maria-chavezs-favorite-gadgets-1401468697Photo Credit: brewbooks (http://www.flickr.com/photos/brewbooks/) | CC BY-SA 2.0

Tile - Find lost keys & phone

Welcome to Tile, the worlds largest lost and found. Tile makes tiny Bluetooth trackers and a companion app that allow you to locate lost or misplaced items in seconds like your phone, keys, and wallet. * Works with iPhone 4S and newer, iPad 3rd gen and newer, iPad Mini, iPod Touch 5th gen.