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Book Writer

Take Note, Organize Thoughts, Make a Book. Share with the World. Please visit our homepage -

  • size 77.9 MB


Get ready for college and the world by learning to get organized. Students absolutely love Studyo and use it many times a day. Tasks are displayed both on their entry date and due date in day view.

  • size 67.3 MB


The periodic table in digital form, interactive and at a glance entirely free of charge. Immediately find any imaginable information about an element, calculate molar masses of any compounds you like, facilitate your overview with infographics, compare atomic radii, masses, electronegativities, and much more After over a million downloads, now with extended functions, improved features and the visual image of our new design (inspired by the colorful and multifaceted shapes seen under a microscope, the logo and colors now follow the concept of a vibrant science and technology company) lively and dynamic. You can reach us at [email protected]

  • rating 4.72973
  • size 14.3 MB

Target Grade

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Leonardo da Vinci. The rest is up to you

  • rating 5.0
  • size 9.2 MB


A la maison, dans le train ou en classe, avec VerbEx, rviser sa conjugaison est trs facile. Entirement paramtrable, cette application permet de choisir les verbes, les temps et le nombre de questions exercer. VerbEx contient tous les verbes Harmos (Suisse) et tient compte des rectifications de lorthographe de 1990.VerbEx est une application totalement gratuite et sans publicit.

  • size 1.7 MB