Calculate live currency and foreign exchange rates with this free currency converter. You can convert more than 180 currencies in the world. Support 180+ currencies(money): euro, pounds, us dollars, canadian dollars, iraqi dinar, aud, yen, and much more.

My Currency Converter: foreign exchange rates alternatives

Coin Convert - Cryptocurrency Converter

Now with support for Bitcoin Cash and ZCash. Use Coin Convert to quickly and conveniently convert the values of your crypto-currencies between each other and conventional currency. - Uses the biggest cryptocurrency exchange (Poloniex) for up to the minute and accurate data: http://www.poloniex.comUse Coin Convert to quickly check the value of each of your alt-coins and its FREE.

  • size 23.7 MB

Bitcoin Alpha - Bitcoin Trading with Calculator

Bitcoin Alpha allows all Bitcoin enthusiasts to keep up with the market, monitor trends, and stay on top of this fast paced industry. Whether you are a Bitcoin expert or new to Bitcoin, this app is for you. Use the Calculator to convert Bitcoin into all the top currencies.

  • size 24.9 MB

classic currency converter (foreign exchange rates)

Converting currencies has never been easier All the popular currencies in the world updated on a daily basis, find currencies from the past three months, even when you are not connected to the internet. Super fast currency converter:On a click of a finger, type the amount you want to convert and get the result immediately you can also send the given amount by email or sms. the order of the currencies will remain even after you close and reopen the app.

  • size 10.1 MB

Conv - Crypto Converter for Bitcoin & Altcoins

Conv is the best cryptocurrency convertor app out there. Using its super intuitive design, you can convert all your crypto asset in one simple list. If you trade crypto this is a must have

  • rating 4.77778
  • size 32.9 MB