This utility app is created as a virtual scarecrow to help you get rid of noisy birds in your area. This works by mimicking the sounds of their predators, which alerts them by instinct and puts them on an auto flight/fight mode. (Also, make sure to raise the volume of you device to maximize the effects)

Mocking Birds alternatives

Hiya Caller ID and Block

P$ Mobile Service

With Stationnement de Montrals P$ Mobile Service payment system, you can pay for your parking space with your smartphone from wherever you happen to be Its simple, fast, and secure Enjoy the following advantages: Pay from wherever you happen to be; Receive a reminder of the time your period of paid parking will end; Manage your account and review your transaction history at any time; Pay by credit card; no more need to carry change; Consult the rates and regulations of parking spaces. N.B. Each transaction is handled separately from previous ones.

  • rating 3.9
  • size 89.2 MB

AdBlock for Mobile

Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free, #1 most popular content blocker for Safari, with over 50 million users across all browsers. * Does AdBlock block iAds?AdBlock will only block ads you see on websites, including video ads, Facebook, and everywhere else.

  • size 21.5 MB

AtHome Camera - cloud monitor

New features You will receive a push notification with animated GIF images when detects a person (face detection), much more accurate than traditional motion detection. The worlds most trusted home security and video surveillance App, AtHome Camera turns more than 10 million devices into a video monitoring system, acting as baby monitor, pet camera, nanny cameras, elder care etc. Supporting Facebook: @athomecameraEmail: [email protected]: www.iChano.comLINE: athomecamera

  • rating 4.52632
  • size 88.9 MB

MyBell Mobile

With this app, it has never been easier to manage your Bell services anytime, anywhere right on your phone. You can use the app over our 3G, 4G and LTE networks free of charge, without using your data plan. For any application support or troubleshooting please contact: [email protected] more about app permissions: