The ESolver is a linear equation solver that solves linear equations with a step-by-step description. This solver can solve a linear system containing up to 5 (for iPhones) and 6 (for iPads) unknowns. To obtain the solution an internet connection is not required.

Math Equation Solver - aka ESolver alternatives

MathPapa - Algebra Calculator & Equation Solver App

SOLVE your algebra problems step-by-step with MathPapa MathPapa can solve your equations (and show the work ) and help you when youre stuck on your math homework. FEATURES: Solves linear equations and quadratic equations. For example, enter 3x+5=17 into the text box to get a step-by-step explanation of how to solve 3x+5=17.MATH SYMBOLS:Here are some symbols that the calculator understands:+ (Addition) - (Subtraction) * (Multiplication) / (Division) ^ (Exponent: raised to the power) (Square Root)|x| (Absolute Value of x)

  • rating 4.83642
  • size 8.9 MB

Factorlator - Factoring & Distribution Calculator for Trinomials, Binomials, & Numbers

Having trouble factoring? Factorlators got you covered. Quickly factor any number, distribute binomials, and factor trinomials to your hearts content.

  • rating 4.3125
  • size 28.3 MB

Square Root Calculator + Cube Root Calculator

Easier than a scientific calculator, this app is perfect for Elementary School Kids. Advantages over a scientific calculator:1.APP will advise you as it calculates if a square root is perfect. BONUS:App also includes a free Easy to use Cube Root Calculator + Chart

  • rating 4.5
  • size 6.4 MB

FX Algebra Solver

Will guide you how to solve your Algebra homework and textbook problems, anytime, anywhere. FX Algebra Solver is a comprehensive math software, based on an automatic mathematical problem solving engine, including:- Over 1200 sample Algerba problems and fully animated solution steps - Scientific calculator supported - Graphing calculator supported - Automatic problem solving and generation of fully animated step-by-step procedures for problems typed in by users - User friendly math problem expression editor (WYSIWYG mode)Algebra Solver covers problems at the level of Pre-Algebra, Algebra1, Algebra2, and College Algebra courses:- Number evaluations - Add, subtract, multiply, divide - Prime factorization - Mixed number - Complex number- basic expression simplification: - polynomial - expansion, factorization - rational - division, long-division, synthetic composition - radical - exponential and log/ln - sin, cos, tan, - Matrix- Function- Equations, system of equations- Inequality- Graphing

  • rating 3.30435
  • size 48.5 MB