WARNING: LogMe is a professional solution. Contact your IT manager before downloading LogMe .LogMe provides a patented revolutionary way to manage your login/passwords (patented contactless technology). In case of loss or theft of the iPhone, the login credentials remain secure.- Connect to all your computers with a strong authentication mechanism and a unique use of QR Code.- Automatic login/passwords acquisition on your computer- Protect yourself against keylogging and phishing threats

LogMe! alternatives

Usher by MicroStrategy

By providing digital credentials in an app on your smartphone, Usher by MicroStrategy replaces keycards, passwords, and security tokens with a solution that offers an amazing combination of convenience and security for accessing digital and physical assets. Whether you are an employee, partner, or customer of an organization that uses Usher, this app can use your phone to project your identity to the connected systems around you and seamlessly log you into business applications as well as unlock doors and buildings. Try Usher by MicroStrategy now by installing this app and visiting experience.usher.com for an interactive tour of badge functionality.

  • size 97.8 MB

IBM Connections Chat

IBM Connections Chat is the official app for presence, instant messaging, audio and video chat, and telephony for IBMs award-winning Connections platform. IBM Connections Chat delivers new and exciting capabilities that give you access to your people networks from the comfort of your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch. All references to names in the images refer to fictitious company and fictitious persons, designed for illustration purposes only.