LisztenA groundbreaking app for musicians, music lovers, music students, and experimenters. This app transcribes a melody into music notation; the corresponding audio is saved for playback. Features:- take any monophonic melody and - record as audio - view transcribed notes in real time - transform to standard sheet music notation - export sheet music as PDF

Liszten alternatives

insTuner Free - Chromatic Tuner

insTuner Free - The BEST, FREE, INTUITIVE Chromatic Tuner insTuner is a chromatic tuner that helps you tune instruments quickly and accurately. With advanced DSP (Digital Signal Processing) algorithm, it is highly accurate (1/1000 semitone or 0.1 cent precision). Try Pro Metronome for FREE

  • rating 4.8
  • size 45.2 MB

DoubleTune - Guitar Tuner

DoubleTune is an advanced tuning app created by professional musicians. Its suitable for tuning a range of string musical instruments, learning new chords and refreshing your memory of already-learned ones. Gismart Ltd. takes no responsibility for causing any damage to your strings.

  • rating 4.66571
  • size 100 MB

Pro Metronome - Tempo,Beat,Subdivision,Polyrhythm

Pro Metronome - The best metronome app. Period. Write us: [email protected] Watch our videos:

  • rating 4.80392
  • size 89.5 MB

Bose Connect

Bose ConnectBose Bluetooth Bluetooth2DJ22SoundLink2QuietControl 30 headphonesSoundSport Pulse headphones * :* Bose ConnectQC35SoundSport wirelessSoundSport Pulse wireless SoundSport Free wirelessQuietControl 30SoundLink wireless II headphones SoundWear Companion speakerSoundLink Color IISoundLink RevolveSoundLink Revolve+SoundLink Mirco speakers BluetoothBluetooth SIG, Inc. Bose Corporation

  • rating 2.78689

Bandsintown Concerts

Never miss another live show. Welcome to Bandsintown, the place where the concert-obsessed and the worlds must-see artists connect: Get Tickets to the hottest shows in your area (we know whats going on 24/7) Find more concerts based on the music youre already obsessed with (thanks to Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more) Discover new music (see out whos similar to your favorite artists, and see whos featured) Receive cant-miss alerts from artists you Track (about tour announcements, interviews, news, and more) Invite people to the next gig (sharing is caring) Post a photo of your epic stage dive (we cant promise your mom wont see it, though)because friends never let friends miss a concert, or a message from their favorite artist. Email: [email protected] use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.