Buy all the apps from Jrg Wiemann at a special price.myHomemyHome is the most complete App for HomeKit compatible home automation. It is the complete, comfortable and fancy way to control all of your HomeKit compatible home automation accessories on any of your iOS devices. The app comes with an AppleTV app.

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myHome - Home Automation

myHome is the most complete app for HomeKit compatible home automation - there is no better choicemyHome - the complete and comfortable and fancy way to control all of your HomeKit compatible home automation accessories on any of your iOS devices. It is fully translated to English, German and Italian.myHome is designed to control all types of HomeKit compatible devices, services and characteristics and is widely customizable to your needs.myHome configures and controls your home - management of your accessories and services- rooms and zones, personal photos can be assigned- assign individual icons to favorite services, groups and scenes- scenes and triggers can be organized in folders- service groups, can control common characteristics with one finger tip- users- and time and event based triggers incl. iBeacon support for event based triggers- full camera support- using AND/OR in trigger conditions- showing which timer triggers are going to be executed next- log that shows what triggers has been executed- weekday restrictions in all triggers- duplicating scenes and triggersmyHome supports all iOS devices and comes with- 4 different today extensions (widgets) for home overview, favorite scenes, services and service groups and cameras- Apple Watch app with Glance and Complication- 3D Touch for shortcuts and almost everywhere in the app- Handoff to handover from watch to iPhone or iPad- iBeacon supportIf its not in myHome, its not in HomeKit (at least for developers)Requires iOS 11Visit for more impressionsYour feedback and suggestions are [email protected]

  • size 28.3 MB


A great product deserves a good app Access your data for all your Seneye monitored reefs, tanks and ponds. This app provides a modern iOS8+ style interface and works on every screen size of iPhones and iPads. In case of issues please contact [email protected]

  • size 48.8 MB


Do you know the rules of life?You never know the consequences of your actions. Always watch your next step Bucket Brigade is played on a 9x9 board. Beat the red buckets

  • size 17.8 MB