Japanese is not hard because of this app Features:1.Old exam papers in listening as well as superior voice quality.2.Three kinds of display pattern provide you with best practice experiences.3.More brilliant functions such as sentence-by-sentence play, speaking speed adjustment, screen word-capturing and so on.

JLPT N3 Listening alternatives

JLPT Preparation

JLPT Preparation is a useful app to learn Japanese and prepare for a JLPT exam by studying JLPT vocabulary,Kanji,Grammar. Study companion for the Japanese JLPT exams. JLPT Preparation will allow you to effortlessly study for all levels of the Japanese JLPT exams.

  • size 11.8 MB

N3 Kanji Quiz

N3 Kanji Quiz is a powerful kanji study and training tool includes complete kanji and vocabulary required for the JLPT exams N3.FEATURES:- Kanjis are grouped by grade and JLPT and subdivided into sets of 42 for easy practice.- List of example compounds for each kanji.- Reading test to quiz you on kanji readings (onyomi and kunyomi).- Play kanji game- Extras store where you can purchase additional features to buy more kanji package

  • rating 4.08
  • size 5.0 MB