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Hyper Training Lab alternatives

Krav Maga Pro

Krav Maga is the official martial art and reality-based, self-defense and defensive tactics system of the Israeli Defense Forces. Their soldiers are men and women aged 18 to 51, so their fighting system focuses on techniques that are: 1) Based on instinctive movements, so they are easy to learn and easy to remember under stress2) Not dependent on size, strength, or special physical ability, so Krav Maga techniques can be used effectively by men and women of all agesKrav Maga as a martial art is designed for short-term training. What are you waiting for, download Krav Maga Touch now and begin your training

  • size 24.6 MB

Wing Chun Illustrated-Magazine

Wing Chun Illustrated is the worlds only magazine dedicated to Wing Chun, regardless of lineage or style. Published six times a year, each 60-page, full-colour issue features articles by and about the worlds greatest exponents of the art. Please visit for our Privacy Policy and for our Terms & Conditions

  • size 27.2 MB

Hykso: Wearable Punch Trackers

Train smarter and improve faster with Hykso, the worlds leading provider of accurate and reliable punch-tracking technology. Designed for boxers, martial artists and those leveraging sports like boxing and kickboxing for fitness, Hyksos punch trackers allow users to get a complete picture of their training. MEASURE TO IMPROVE: All training data is saved on your mobile app so that you can monitor your progress over time, set goals and make proper adjustmentsPUNCH SAVING: Punch data is stored on the trackers when you are out of range of your phone POWER AND PRACTICALITY: Hykso is used by some of the top professional fighters and Olympic teams in the world and is also practical enough to suit those at all levels.

  • size 38.1 MB

Shaolin Kung Fu Fundamental Training

Stream or download step-by-step Shaolin kung fu video lessons for beginners with Master Yang English and Spanish subtitles Stretching Routines Stream or Download Fundamental Kung Fu Stances Proper Alignment and Posture Extensive Punching & Kicking Drills Kung Fu Martial ApplicationsKung fu master, Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming teaches you a complete foundation in Shaolin Kung Fu techniques with three hours of video lessons. In the Course 1 videos, Dr. Yang instructs Stretching, Fundamental Stances, and extensive Hand Drills.

  • size 22.2 MB