Cyclone brings you the freshest weather imagery available for North America, Europe, Japan, Australia including hurricane, typhoon and cyclone forecasts, tracks and projected paths and other tropical storm information. You will get real time detailed, stunning and sharp images on top of zoomable maps for not only rain and snow, but also tornados and hail. Features include: * Storm / hurricane / typhoon tracker and projected paths (International and Global)* two different layers to get the weather: ground stations, satellite* zoom in and out, drag and scroll * play, pause animations at any zoom level * displays current position on the map * saves and restores your last position * adjustable radar image quality for Wi-Fi and cellular connections * faster even when on 3G or EDGE networks * multiple map styles - terrain, satellite or standard Specifications: * Full 64-bit app* Requires any iPhone, iPad or iPod * Satellite data comes from GOES 13, GOES 15, METEOSAT and MTSAT satellites* Radar images delayed up to 30 minutes for the U.S, Japan, Indonesia and Australia* Radar images delayed up to 1 hours for Europe

Hurricane - storm tracker + satellite radar alternatives

Hurricane Tracker Forecast Typhoon Cyclone Monitor

Hurricane Tracker is the app for breaking, up-to-the-minute hurricane forecasts. Hurricane Tracker includes: > Watches and warnings for hurricane affected areas> Pacific & Atlantic hurricane forecasts> Tropical storm, depression and invest news> Storm data ideal for those visiting or living in the US Gulf states (Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Florida) , US east coast, west coast, Hawaii & Mexico.> Up-to-date information from the NOAA & National Hurricane Center. Download Hurricane Tracker now for your mobile device.

  • rating 3.84211
  • size 73.0 MB

NOAA Now Pro

NOAA Now Pro presents the latest information from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Included is: hurricanes and tropical storms in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans; mainland storms, including the latest severe weather alerts; worldwide animated satellite views; images from the Environmental Visualization Laboratory; the latest marine information from the National Data Buoy Center; the ultraviolet index. All data is courtesy of NOAA, NASA, JTWC, and others where indicated.

  • size 6.2 MB

My Lightning Tracker Pro - Live Thunderstorm Map

My Lightning Tracker Pro is the best app for monitoring lightning strikes all around the world in close to real-time. With a sleek modern design, you can watch thunderstorms as they occur. This version is similar to apps such as Blitzortung, Lightning Cast, Spark and Live Lightning.

  • rating 4.39437
  • size 50.1 MB

My Hurricane Tracker Pro - Tornadoes & Cyclones!

My Hurricane Tracker Pro gives you the most comprehensive tools for tracking tornados, cyclones, tropical storms and weather warnings available. In a beautiful interface, you wont be overwhelmed with cluttered screens like you might with other apps. It is similar to apps such as Hurricane Tracker, Hurricane Pro and Storm by Weather Underground.

  • rating 4.61983
  • size 6.5 MB

Earthquake - worldwide coverage of natural disasters

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