Access your organizations data securely anywhere, anytime with Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere, which safely synchronizes files among your mobile devices, Macs, and PCs. When you use Hitachi Content Platform Anywhere to synchronize and share files, you know that you are not putting organizational assets at risk by using applications and cloud storage services that have not been sanctioned by your employer. Supported Clients: iPhone, iPad

HCP Anywhere alternatives

Knovio Mobile: Instant Multimedia Content

Making compelling on-demand video content has never been easier Use the built-in recording capability of your iPad, iPhone, or iPod Touch to add your own personal commentary and narration to slides and images. Explain a concept, pitch an idea, document a procedure, demo a product, teach a course, advocate a cause, market a service there are literally thousands of ways to use Knovio. Other trademarks by their respective companies.

  • size 94.3 MB


The kiteworks by Accellion app enables business users to securely create, access, and share up-to-date enterprise content anytime, anywhere. With a mobile-first icon-based design, kiteworks offers users the ability to securely share large files, collaborate in real-time, edit and annotate documents, and create content within a secure container. There will be limited support for iPhone 6+

  • size 91.6 MB

FileCloud - Enterprise File Sharing

FileCloud app allows users to access, share, sync their company files and documents from iPhone and iPad. This app makes it super fast and easy for anyone to access and share company files and documents all from their portable convenient iDevice. Get FileCloud

  • size 13.2 MB

ipCalc - The IP Calculator

This is a simple and useful app for calulating the range of the host part of a subnet mask within an IPv4 network very quickly. You can (optionally) enter your client IP. Theres also an information screen that shows you your IP addresses (LAN and Internet).A useful tool for every network engineer.

  • rating 3.66667
  • size 5.0 MB