Sensing some paranormal activity? With this amazing all in one entertainment app now you can actually prove it Have you always wanted a tool just like the professionals to sense any paranormal activity around you? Now you can with this all inclusive entertainment app with all of its amazing features

Ghost Detecting Tool Lite alternatives

Real Ghost Detector

Detection colors guide:Each dot or blip on the radar is colored to represent the strength of a single observed entity and its readings, and if a detection goes outside of maximum radar range, then later that same detection returns within the observation range, the same color should be shown, or if it is a different, unique detection, and a unique color should appear although it is possible it will be close to the strength depending on what the sensors read. Each color is graded on the strength of the signal from any one radar blip across ROYGBIV color spectrum, and as dots enter and exit the sensor range their strength is graded based on the magnitude of the readings. Thanks for using the app

  • rating 3.2
  • size 46.8 MB

Ghost Finder - Paranormal Discovery Tracker Hunter

Disclaimer *This app is a prank and does not provide actual ghost finding functionality - how you use it is your choice, we recommend it to prank your friends *. *Please note this application is for entertainment purposes only - and has not been scientifically proven nor unproven to detect paranormal activity*Using sophisticated algorithms Ghost Finder searches around you to create a spoof detection of any paranormal activity that may be occurring, watch as the radar scans and detects words or phrases that may come from another world, these of course, are randomly generated by the app, which creates a prank experience, ideal to prank your friends, who will think it is real, whilst you hold back your laughing Tweak settings to ensure false readings are not seen or to simply investigate Ghostly activity. Featuring;~ Multiple Sensitivity Options~ Evil Spirit Converter~ Frequency,Detection,Impedence,Signal Timeout and Capacitance Options~ Word Log - Keeps track of words that are detected along with a time/date stamp of their occurrence.~ Universal App - Works with iPhone,iPad & iPod Touch Plenty of options to keep even the most keen prankster happy, enjoy this app experience

  • size 60.6 MB

Ghostcom Radar Spirit Detector

Locate ghosts and get personal spiritual messages What will the spirits tell you about your love life, friendships, health or career?FEATURES:- Get personal spiritual messages- Locate where spirits are in the room- Get ghost statistics (emotional state, zodiac sign, sex etc. )ASK YOUR GHOST A QUESTION Ask a question and see what comes back With a huge database of over 2000 words Ghostcom Radar Spirit Detector offers spirits the chance to send you detailed personal messages ALL IN ONE GHOST HUNTERS TOOLKIT Serious paranormal investigators and novice ghost hunters alike will find Ghostcom Radar Spirit Detector a great addition to their ghost hunting tools. THANKS FOR READING HAPPY GHOST HUNTING

  • rating 4.7
  • size 31.1 MB


Note: iPods do not have EMF capabilities due to the lack of an internal compass. Use your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch to explore the world in a different way. Key Features:* EMF, NVG, & EVP* Integration of* Capturing screenshots in NVG-Mode* EVP recordings, playback, & sharing via email* Adjustable EMF sensitivity* Flashlight on capable devices

  • rating 3.4
  • size 126 MB

PKE Meter - Bust Ghosts

P.K.E. Meter is our favorite toolHunt ghosts with most advanced detector

  • rating 4.59999
  • size 40.4 MB