Entra nel mondo Fte maximal con la nostra App. Siamo unazienda di apparecchiature per la ricezione, gestione e distribuzione dei segnali radio, Tv e Sat, dati e fibra ottica, Lte e 4g. Con sede a Barcellona e filiali in Francia, Italia, Germania, Portogallo e Dubai, offre prodotti e servizi di produzione, essendo leader riconosciuta nel settore professionale e attenta ad un mercato in continua evoluzione.

Fte maximal alternatives

CornerJob - Join the team

CornerJob has placed among the 10 best APPS of 2016 #BestOfAppStoreFind Jobs with CornerJob, the best job search app that shows you offers around you. Download the free iOS app for iPhone and iPad and start searching and finding hundreds of job offers. Please write at: [email protected]

  • size 57.5 MB

CRM and sales tracking - Sellf

Sellf is the mobile CRM to bring your sales teams performance to the next level. Yes please Great job with the app guys Map view is super useful for us field sales guys So many crms dont offer it like highrise, pipedrive, Podio etc. Kudos to the Sellf team leprimate

  • size 78.4 MB

Lyoness Mobile

Money back with every purchase Just like Membership, the Mobile App is free-of-charge.


RXCamView is a surveillance software, which support Apple Push Notification service, support live video stream, video record and playback, video remote playback, snapshots and PTZ control, etc.

  • size 23.0 MB

SuperLive Plus

SuperLive PlusSuperLive Plus is a specially developed monitoring software for the iPhone. Customers can view real time video streaming, control operations on the iPhone If have any questions or suggestions, please contact [email protected]

  • size 36.7 MB