5 3/16 + (12.11 - 1/8)*2.0 = 11663/400To get the answer which you can then show as 29 63/400, or 29.1575Fractions Calculator is a fraction calculator that does mixed or whole fractions & decimal arithmetic with support for brackets (. This covers most of the work you need to do with fractions, and we record the results a paper tape which you can scroll to review, with the ability to select and copy. We can show the result as a fraction, whole fraction or as a decimal number and support x to the power of y, with unlimited precision factorialsNumerical accuracy is retained, no rounding or iffy answers.

Fractions Calculator Lite alternatives


GeoCruncher is an easy to use, all in one Geometry Calculator. Simply select a calculator, enter the appropriate values, and see your results. Its over 30 calculators in one app Transformations-Reflections-Translations-Dialations-RotationsCoordinate Geometry-Distance-MidpointCircles-Circle at Origin*-Circle not at Origin*Slopes-Slope Equation*-Slope-Intercept Equation*-Point-Slope Equation*Interior/Exterior Angles-Sum of Interior Angles-Single Interior Angle-Sum of Exterior Angles-Single Exterior Angle3D & 2D Shapes/Figures-Triangle-Rectangle-Trapezoid-Parallelogram-Circle-Rectangular Prism-Cylinder-Cone-Pyramid-SphereCircle Segments/Angles-Central Angle-Inscribed Angle-Angle by Tangent/Chord-Intersecting Chords-Secant-Secant Rule*Will help you build a formula.

  • size 3.5 MB

SQRoot Lite (Square Root GCD Prime Numbers 3 in 1)

(Square Root, (GCD/HCF & LCM) , Prime Numbers 3 in 1)This app simplifies square roots and cube roots; finds the GCD(HCF) & LCM of 2 to 9 numbers in any order; tells you whether a number is a prime number or not; counts the number of prime numbers between 2 given numbers.

  • size 3.8 MB

Proportion Solver

Proportion Solver is a simple, convenient tool to solve proportions. Proportions are useful for computing a value based on numerical relationships (e.g. width/height, Fahrenheit/Celsius, mph/meters, U.S. Dollars/Euros, pixels/inches).

  • rating 4.88889
  • size 14.1 MB