EU Data Protection is a FREE product brought to you by the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS). It allows you to consult the official texts of Regulation 2016/679 (the General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR) and the Directive 2016/680 for the police and criminal justice sector as published in the Official Journal of the EU on 4 May 2016. The Commission and the countries then implement them, and the Commission ensures that the laws are properly applied and implemented.

EU Data Protection alternatives

The Arbitration Handbook by Covington

Created and used by Covingtons leading practitioners, The Arbitration Handbook compiles over 90 resources commonly used in international arbitration into one convenient electronic resource. Features:You can use the app to search, annotate, highlight and bookmark arbitration reference materials across your mobile devices. Content is updated on a regular basis to reflect the latest version of the rules, and you can receive notifications when new content is available.

  • size 160 MB