Distances allows you to measure the distance on a map, by drawing your own route. Distances can be expressed in meters, kilometres or miles by tapping the distance. Available as In-App purchase are the options to save and share your routes as KML files.

Distances - Route and Map Distance Calculator alternatives

Pin Points - Flight, Driving Distance Calculator

Do you want to know the distance to the South Pole? Do you want to plan your next tripand do you want to know and save which places you want to visit and how much distance lies in between them? Thank you

  • rating 3.61111
  • size 11.9 MB

Measure distance on map. Land

Measure length of anything on map, even if there is no routes or ground. If you want to measure your route without roads - this is that you need Measure roads, buildings or lands from the birds eye view. Disclaimer: any data, calculated by this program is relative, for accurate data considering local laws address the local geodesic services.

  • rating 5.0
  • size 22.6 MB

Geo Measure Area Calculator GPS Field Measurement

Geo Measure is best free tool for you, when you want to purchase some property, and want to calculate area of that property. Geo Measure will help you like your best friends and will give you exact calculated area. No hidden charges All suggestions are welcome

  • size 22.0 MB

Draw on Map - Create Your Own Map And add Waypoint

Draw your own Map now with 600+ objects by making iCONic Path Its Free Have you ever try to described your current position to your fiends/family members on phone or gmail and get even more annoyed. Check these app. Follow us on Facebook: #Draw-On-MapFollow us on Twitter: @DrawOnMap

  • rating 3.13333
  • size 28.1 MB

Circuit - Route Planner

Circuit optimizes the order of your delivery routes to save money on fuel. Circuit - Route Planner uses sophisticated technology that combines current traffic conditions with the most up to date map data to plan and optimize the order of your delivery route, road trip or travel plan, saving you up to 25% in time and fuel. Terms of Service: https://blog.getcircuit.com/termsPrivacy Policy: https://blog.getcircuit.comprivacy

  • rating 3.83929
  • size 43.6 MB