Distance Comparison Map helps you compare the distance between 2 locations with a variable radius from your hometown, where you are most familiar with. You can easily have an idea of how far away the chosen locations are because Distance Comparison Map visualize it side-by-side with your hometowns map How many times have you wondered how far it is from this place to that location? With Distance Comparison Map you know the distance from New York, USA to Boston, USA equals that from Rome, Italy to Bologna, Italy; And the distance from London, UK to Paris, France equals that from Toronto, Canada to Ottawa, Canada.

Distance Comparison Map alternatives

Distance Measure Pro

This app lets you measure the point-to-point (great-circle) distance between two or more waypoints on a map or measure the surface area defined by a polygon having three or more points as its corners. It uses online maps so it needs an internet connection. The Pro version is exactly the same as the free version except that (by popular demand) it wont display any ads.

  • size 6.0 MB

DistancePinner - Map Distance Calculator/Planner

Find the distance between the points on the map easy with this app. Useful for route planning, finding shortest distance, traveling, and much more. - Press Edit button to make changes in plain-text format.- Save / Load path for future use- Export list of coordinates in latitude and longitude plus the total distance via email- Export GPX via Email- Share screenshot via Twitter, Facebook, Message, Email, Note, Camera Roll, and much more.

  • rating 4.53333
  • size 9.0 MB

Distance Measure

This app lets you measure the point-to-point (great-circle) distance between two or more waypoints on a map or measure the surface area defined by a polygon having three or more points as its corners. It uses online maps so it needs an internet connection. Tap the calculated measurement at the bottom of the map to switch between feet/yards/miles or meters/hectometers/kilometers.

  • rating 4.5
  • size 7.7 MB

DrawArea - Measure area on the map

Simplest and the most straight forward way to measure area on the map. Usage: By simply touching. The result may be less accurate when far from the equator.

  • size 9.5 MB

Distance - Find My Distance

Draw to measure distance along the map, made easy with this app. Usage: By simply touching. Note: Distance is calculate based on the earth curvature.

  • rating 4.61261
  • size 9.7 MB