Delight Games Premium Library includes 40+ interactive novels, with more titles being added all the time With this download there are a lot of free full books to try. When you want access to more, you can either purchase the individual books youre interested in for a small fee, or for the best deal choose the one-time in app purchase for premium access and youll have full access to every title in this library. Immerse yourself in new worlds If you like interactive fiction or just want to try something different from the typical soul-sucking mobile games, this is the ULTIMATE download for you Current novels included: 2 chapters of Oregon Trail Monster Myths 1: Bigfoot 6 Volumes of Wizards Choice 7 Volumes of Rogues Choice 10 Volumes of Zombie High 4 Volumes of Detectives Choice 2 Volumes of Bionic Bikini 7 Volumes of Witch Saga The Deep Space Huntress stand-alone novel Pirates Never Die stand-alone novel Super Heros Choice stand-alone novel Apprentice Musketeers Ghost Hunter: JJ Jonesand more to come

Delight Games (Full Library) alternatives

A Midsummer Night's Choice

Sorcery Is for Saps

As an apprentice sorcerer, you should never steal your masters identity. But what if thats the only way to save the kingdom?Sorcery Is for Saps is a 200,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Hilari Bell and Anna-Maria Crum, where your choices control the story. You can be turned into a mouse.)

  • size 20.7 MB

Choice of Alexandria

Change the course of history Can your scientific discoveries save the ancient Library of Alexandria? Will you defend the empires legacy, or your own?Choice of Alexandria is an interactive novella by Kevin Gold, author of Choice of Robots. Will you be ransomed by the pirate queen Nefertari, or can you win her over with your silver tongue?The fate of the city of wonders is in your hands Play as a brilliant inventor, a gifted speaker, or a life-saving doctor Make great discoveries while protecting Prince Ptolemy IV from manipulators at court Save famed mathematicians Archimedes and Euclid from untimely deaths Based on the real life of Eratosthenes, ancient genius who calculated the size of the Earth Save the Great Library and invent the steam engine two thousand years early

  • rating 4.46269
  • size 64.6 MB

Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven

Zombies rise again at the dawn of Apocalypse In this companion to the smash-hit Zombie Exodus, can you survive the first few days of the zombie outbreak as the dead rise, society collapses, and the living struggle to survive? 40% off until Nov 1 Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven is the first part of a series of thrilling interactive survival-horror novel by Jim Dattilo, where your choices control the story. Even form romantic relationships with those you meet.

  • size 29.8 MB

The Vampire House

Human/monster romance at its finest Overcome species diversity. Meet new and exciting creatures. Develop your athletic prowess, or become a bookworm.

  • rating 3.83673
  • size 5.5 MB