Corvus is a live social map of your city - It shows in real time where people are and what they are up to - Bigger circle indicates more crowded event - The red circles indicate higher girls to guys ratio while the black circles signal higher guys to girls ratio

Corvus alternatives


Get the Sitch and share your fun with people nearby. Discover a new karaoke dive bar, movie in the park, hang out on campus, live music spot, you name it Nearby videos give you a peek at whats happening around you so that you can have the most fun. Now get Sitchin

  • size 53.1 MB


CubaMessenger es la solucin para la comunicacin con Cuba mediante Chat, es una moderna aplicacin que est estrictamente concebida para enviar y recibir mensajes en forma de texto, fotos, voz y videos sin que los usuarios en Cuba requieran acceso a Internet. La aplicacin aprovecha al mximo la tecnologa disponible actualmente en los celulares de los usuarios en Cuba. Sguenos en Facebook:

  • rating 3.2
  • size 40.3 MB

UpCast Talent

UpCast is the first mobile platform that instantly connects talent and casting professionals through the entire casting process. Tired of cattle calls and sitting in traffic? Unlimited Submissions to Roles$13.99/monthPrivacy policy: of Service:

  • rating 3.53333
  • size 34.2 MB