Official companion app to Coldplays Hypnotised. Hello Thank you for downloading this app. Love Chris, Jonny, Guy and Will

Coldplay : Hypnotised alternatives

Mimi Music - clear sound, healthy & safe hearing

Listen to music with more clarity, instruments, more you. Makes my cheap ear buds sound great 5* - Micmko - 07/12/2015I dont know how they do it, but the dynamic range that Mimi delivers is super. Check our blog: Retrosoul -

  • size 59.7 MB

Tomorrowland Belgium

Discover the official Tomorrowland application. Exclusive content will be available in the app together with the full line-up, schedule and floorplan. Live Today, Love Tomorrow, Unite Forever

  • size 69.8 MB

Bandsintown Concerts

Never miss another live show. Welcome to Bandsintown, the place where the concert-obsessed and the worlds must-see artists connect: Get Tickets to the hottest shows in your area (we know whats going on 24/7) Find more concerts based on the music youre already obsessed with (thanks to Apple Music, Spotify, Soundcloud, and more) Discover new music (see out whos similar to your favorite artists, and see whos featured) Receive cant-miss alerts from artists you Track (about tour announcements, interviews, news, and more) Invite people to the next gig (sharing is caring) Post a photo of your epic stage dive (we cant promise your mom wont see it, though)because friends never let friends miss a concert, or a message from their favorite artist. Email: [email protected] use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.

Lyrics Mania

Lyrics Mania will give you millions of lyrics on your iPhone, iPod and iPad With Lyrics Mania, you can listen to your music on your device and get the lyrics, synchronized for the most popular songs, karaoke-style Thanks to the MusicID functionality, you can identify in a few seconds the song you are listening to on the radio or wherever, getting artist, title and full lyrics In the unlucky case of crashes or issues with Lyrics Mania, send us a feedback through the proper app function, do not report them through the store comments, so that we can solve them straightforward. Thanks

  • size 96.2 MB

Songkick Concerts

Be the first to know about concerts. Never miss your favorite artists live. Over 15 million music fans use Songkick across the globe to discover concerts and buy tickets Well see you down the front.

  • rating 4.80952
  • size 33.0 MB