Defend real world locations in your area with one of the most advanced augmented reality experiences ever brought to mobile This unique experience has garnered awards and praise around the world (Canadian Video Game Awards, Vision Summit, Augmented World Expo) for its innovative gameplay and technology. YOUVE BEEN CONTACTEDYou receive a mayday hail from an alien vessel thats on a collision course with your real-world neighborhood. *

Clandestine: Anomaly alternatives

Hidden Objects - Bora Bora Fantasy Island Vacation

Where's My Eye?!

Eye-popping action puzzle game for all ages Oops Zombies dropped their eyeballs in this peaceful zombie town. Join the epic adventure of the missing eyeball who wants to return to its master Be aware of the obstacles, though, because it aint going to be easy to be back. Enjoy

  • rating 4.77419
  • size 377 MB


Paraversume is a location based realtime strategy game played in the real world and parallel universes. Join the ranks of Anarchists or Radicals alongside your friends to fight for the control of the world and fend off the Paraversume Protection Agency For more information see

  • size 13.0 MB

Moon Defence

Ever dreamt of living on the Moon because its so tranquil? Well think again. How long can you protect everyone?Now, play against your friends thanks to built-in Game Centre support 99 levels of increasing tension and panic 50 rockets to blast the threat on every level 100 extra rockets every 10 levels 4 moon bases to protect in each game 100 points for every meteor hit 1000 points for each rocket left at the end of every level 5000 point bonus asteroid fly-by every 5 levels Asteroid shatters into pieces, raising the threat higher Meteors break into pieces as they fall Rapid firing Awesome sound effects Cool background music Easy controls - just tap the screen to aim and shoot oh, and dont forget to protect your rocket silo too

  • rating 4.73332
  • size 6.2 MB