Tech Today delivers the most important tech news, stories and opinions, all in one easy daily dose. Whenever you have a couple minutes, the app has CNETs 10 biggest stories of the day waiting for you. Tech Today is perfect for your commute (but please, not while driving ) or while in line at your favorite coffee shop.

CNET's Tech Today alternatives

PC Magazine

Having trouble with the PC Magazine app? Email us at [email protected] Magazine Digital Edition provides lab-tested reviews, detailed how-to guides, tips and tricks, and the latest tech trends to help you at work, home, and on the road. If you have any questions regarding your billing or iTunes account, please contact iTunes: Privacy policy and Terms of Use:

Tech News Tube

Tech News Tube is a series of news. Tech News Tube aggregates the news aggregators to bring you the latest technology headlines around the clock. It is retina ready with full landscape support and integrated social media sharing via FaceBook, Twitter, Instapaper, Evernote, Read it Later, Tumblr and more.