Cash Vin : le magasin spcialis en vins, champagnes, spiritueux, whisky, rhums, et accessoires autour du vin. Nous vous proposons cette application qui vous rapprochera de nous. Avec lapplication Cashvin App, vous pourrez grer votre carte de fidlit, accder nos ventes prives, trouver vos magasins Cash Vin, nous contacter et mmoriser vos envies de vins.

CASH VIN alternatives


Order from the best restaurants in the business from local hotspots to national favourites and get the food you love delivered fast, right to your door. Choose from hundreds of fine restaurants around the neighbourhood, including Busaba Eathai, Carluccios, Gourmet Burger Kitchen, MEATliquor, and other top quality independent businesses. Find your faves or try something new- Search by cuisine, category or restaurants for your postcode- Browse by fastest delivery time- View menus and read dish details- See popular restaurants and meals in your area Ordering made simple- Easily add and remove items from your basket in a single tap- Place an order for now, later today or tomorrow- Pay directly from your phoneLive updates- Track the progress of your order from cooking to delivery in real time- Receive notifications on delivery status- See your rider on the map when theyre nearbyEverything where you need it- Save delivery instructions for riders- Securely store multiple payment methods- Save and name your different delivery addresses- View order history and download receipts

  • rating 4.76471
  • size 66.6 MB


FIND, COMPARE AND BUY WINES USING THE WORLDS #1 WINE RESOURCE: The Wine-Searcher app is a genius shortcut to your favorite wines, beers and spirits wherever you are on earth. Just scan the label and find a wealth of info on 8 million wine offers from 55,000 merchants. Privacy policy: Terms of use:

  • rating 4.94034

McDo France

McDo France : la nouvelle application officielleDcouvrez la nouvelle App McDo France conue pour vous simplifier la vie et rcompenser votre fidlit Accdez ds maintenant votre compte McDonalds et identifiez vous systmatiquement lors de chaque visite dans votre restaurant la Borne, au McDriveTM , au Comptoir ou la commande en ligne, pour bnficier des avantages et des bons plans personnaliss. Grce cette application, vous allez pouvoir :o Trouver et localiser le restaurant le plus proche en Franceo Dcouvrir les horaires douverture, les itinraires et les services des restaurants McDonaldso Consulter la carte des nouveauts et constituer votre liste de produits favoris Disponible dans plus de 1300 restaurants McDonalds, essayez la commande en ligne qui vous permet de gagner du temps. Tlchargez vite lapplication et profitez des bnfices proposs.

Marmiton : recettes de cuisine

A vous qui aimez manger, oui vous. A vous qui aimez partager un bon repas, cuisiner avec amour pour vos proches, tester plein de recettes tonnantes, faire part de vos avis et trouvailles. Et laissez-vous guider.

TheFork - Restaurants bookings

10 discount for your next meal Make your 1st booking with the app TheFork with the code APP17 and receive 1000 Yums to use as a discount on your next meal*.Discover the best restaurants around you among more than 40 000 restaurants in Paris, Brussels, Barcelona, Madrid, Geneva, Rome, almost everywhere to be honest. Millions of bookings, more than 5 million of downloads, but for whom?Are you hungry for paella in Barcelona, sushi in Madrid or do you want to discover a new gastronomic restaurant in Lyon? Starting from October 5th, the fidelity program is more generous on the app: earn 150 Yums for each booking you make, 50 Yums only on the desktop and mobile websites.