Princeton Field Guides are comprehensive, in-depth identification tools designed for all nature enthusiasts. This is the interactive mobile field guide version of Birds of Peru by Schulenberg, Stotz, Lane, ONeill & Parker. Audio provided by Peter Boesman,

Birds of Peru alternatives

Goodreads: Book Reviews

Discover and share books you love on Goodreads, the worlds largest site for readers and book recommendations Find new and interesting books by browsing personalized recommendations based on books youve read and your favorite genres. See what your friends are reading, write book reviews, and keep track of what you want to read. View literary events near you.

  • rating 4.8

Axis 360

Axis 360 gives library and school users the ability to search, browse and discover ebooks and/or digital audiobooks available for lending through their public library or school with ease. Designed to provide a mobile experience for users of the Axis 360 digital media library, the Axis 360 app lets you sync with your local library or schools digital collection, allowing you to check out materials in a user interface optimized for your device. Axis 360 is a service from Baker & Taylor, the premier distributor of books and entertainment products.

  • size 78.1 MB

OverDrive: eBooks & audiobooks

Borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and streaming video from your library using OverDrive on your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch. More than 30,000 libraries worldwide offer titles from OverDrive, so download the app and find your next book today Having problems with font size in some books on iOS 10? Contact them directly to let them know that youre using OverDrive and to share any suggestions for books you would like to see them carry.

  • size 31.4 MB


DLE es la aplicacin oficial que la Real Academia Espaola (RAE) y la Asociacin de Academias de la Lengua Espaola (ASALE) ponen a su disposicin para consultar la 23. edicin del Diccionario de la lengua espaola. Este acceso gratuito es posible gracias al compromiso de la Obra Social la Caixa con la cultura. Entre ellas destacan:- Bsqueda aproximada de palabras, expresiones y locuciones, usando un potente algoritmo.- Bsqueda exacta de entradas del diccionario.- Bsqueda de palabras con los criterios Comienza por, Contiene y Termina en- Obtencin de anagramas.- Bsqueda aleatoria.- Resultados que se pueden compartir en las redes sociales.- Texto de la entrada navegable.- ndice de expresiones y locuciones de cada entrada.- Acceso directo a la conjugacin de los verbos.- Palabra del da.

  • rating 4.55556
  • size 5.6 MB