Nouvelle Chance pour lOrientation pour dcouvrir les mtiers de la mtallurgie, les formations qui y mnent et les entreprises en Aquitaine qui recrutent et forment sur ces techniques.

NCO alternatives

Cadremploi : offres d'emploi

=> 1er site emploi pour les cadres et dirigeants en France <=Lapplication Cadremploi vous permettra daccder : - Prs de 10 000 annonces cibles pour les cadres travers la France - Un rseau de milliers de recruteurs (entreprises, cabinets de recrutement, chasseurs de tte,) - Des emplois en CDI, CDD, Freelance, - Une recherche avance par ple (fonction, secteur, localit, mots cls, salaire,) - Des alertes pour recevoir les offres en temps rel sur son mobile - La possibilit de postuler directement depuis son mobile - Mettez toutes les chances de vote cot en tlchargeant lapplication Cadremploi.

  • size 81.9 MB

CornerJob - Join the team

CornerJob has placed among the 10 best APPS of 2016 #BestOfAppStoreFind Jobs with CornerJob, the best job search app that shows you offers around you. Download the free iOS app for iPhone and iPad and start searching and finding hundreds of job offers. Please write at: [email protected]

  • size 57.5 MB

Skype for Business (formerly Lync 2013)

Skype for Business, formerly Lync 2013 for iOS, extends the power of Lync and Skype to your favorite mobile device: voice & video over wireless, rich presence, instant messaging, conferencing, and calling features from a single, easy-to-use interface. Key Features:Initiate a group IM or video conversation and invite additional participantsJoin, rejoin and initiate a Skype for Business Meeting to communicate and collaborate on amazing ideasSimultaneously view shared content and speakers video during a conferenceControl the meeting (mute or remove attendees) and know more about participants modalitiesLook at your upcoming meetings and join via one clickFind your recent conversations and pick them up from where you left offSearch your contacts by name, email, or phone numberEnhanced security via Active Directory Authentication Library Anyone can use the Skype for Business for iOS app when invited to a Skype for Business or Lync 2013 meeting. SKYPE FOR BUSINESS APP IS ONLY AVAILBLE FOR iOS 8.0 OR GREATER.

  • rating 4.47273
  • size 220 MB

LinkedIn Job Search

LinkedIn Job Search gives you all the tools you need to easily find your dream job or let it find you. Quickly find job opportunities wherever you want with location-based search. Privacy Policy: of Service:

  • rating 4.89473
  • size 84.0 MB