Quickly lookup an area code Search for a city to see what area codes it has Covers North America, including the US, Canada, Caribbean, and US territories No network connection required

Area Codes alternatives

Acronym Finder - Acronyms, Abbreviations, Initialisms, and more

Acronym Finder is the worlds largest database of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms: 1 million+ acronyms and their meanings, all verified by our editorial team. Quickly find any acronyms meaning with our category filter: MedicalMilitaryGovernment Science TechnologyBusinessTexting and Slangand moreWHAT YOU GET:* 1 million+ acronyms and their meanings, all verified by our editorial team. Praise for Acronym FinderAn exponentially expanding dictionary consulted by bureaucrats, translators, doctors, weapons designers and anyone else who needs help decrypting the wide worlds daily output of acronyms.- The Wall Street JournalAn astounding array of explanations for things like HRT and NASP.- USA TodayPowered by AcronymFinder.com: If you cant find it here, you wont find it anywhere.

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Area Code Directory

Easy-to-use reference for looking up area codes by code, city, state, or other information. Includes United States, Canada, Caribbean, Toll-Free and Special area codes.

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Country Code Directory

Forgot how to dial the United Kingdom? Want to know where that email with the .nl domain came from? Try our other great apps, like:* Garden Tracker* General DB* Stopwatch Log* Renovate* Use By DateYou will find them very useful as well

  • size 1.2 MB

ZIP Code Tools

ZIP Code Tools is an a tool to perform common U.S. ZIP Code & Area Code searches and data completion. It interfaces with the databases from ZIP-Codes.com. You will use it one day and be happy you had it.

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Area Code Lookup

Simple utility app for looking up telephone area codes for US and Canada.

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