Altes MuseumThis virtual walk-in architectural showcase shows you a part of the Berlin museum Altes Museum.

Altes Museum alternatives

WikiArt - Encyclopedia of Fine Art

WikiArt app gives you free access to one of the most comprehensive repositories of fine art available online. Discover and enjoy more than 110,000 artworks by 2000+ artists from 73 countries all over the world covering 13-21 centuries timespan WikiArt app uses http://www. The application features both public domain art pieces and those protected by copyright law in accordance with the fair use policy.

  • rating 4.17568

Houzz Interior Design Ideas

Houzz () [] 1500 Sketch [] [] 150 [] DIY 2 Houzz (VOGUE JAPAN) (CNN) ()Houzz iOS Houzz

  • rating 4.59414

Makeup Genius

Forget everything you know about the makeup camera apps youve seen beforeLOral Paris introduces the 1st virtual makeup tester app. Try makeup looks and products on yourself and see them move with you in real time. Your smartphone becomes your makeup mirror and your next must have beauty accessory* This app is designed for illustrative purposes only and is not designed to be an accurate representation of what the selected cosmetics products will look like on the user

  • size 138 MB