Limited Promotion Limited Promotion Limited Promotion AdBlocker(Pro) is an ads-blocking app specially designed for iOS 9 which adopts the newest ads-blocking tech in iOS 9. With single tap, AdBlock is capable of blocking various ads, protecting your privary, speeding the websites with less data cost, improving the experience of browsing the internet. Features * Block ads with single tap, no matter banners or pop ads* Block analytics and traces, protect your privacy, provide a safer internet* Block social widgets and external fonts, speed the websites with less data cost* Update block list online at any time* Flexible settings for the blocking items How to use 1. more feedbackPlease contact at [email protected]

AdBlocker (Pro) - block various ads, protect your privary, speed the websites with less data cost, improve internet-browsing experience alternatives

Wingy - Shadow VPN For Http,Socks5,SS

Smart Proxy Utility APPWingy 1. WingyWingy2. iOS9

  • rating 3.4
  • size 31.7 MB

AdBlock for Mobile

Stop seeing ads on the web. AdBlock is the completely free, #1 most popular content blocker for Safari, with over 50 million users across all browsers. * Does AdBlock block iAds?AdBlock will only block ads you see on websites, including video ads, Facebook, and everywhere else.

  • size 21.5 MB

AdClear Plus

AdClear can help you block annoying ads while browsing with Safari. As a bonus, it will save battery, bandwidth, and web page loading times, while helping users to keep safe from trackers and malware infected ads. AdClear was developed by Seven Networks, a 15-year old mobile software company which has developed mobile apps used on 100M+ mobile phones, and is free. Features * Selective filters to block annoying ads in different countries* Promptly updated and well-maintained filters* Built-in privacy protection with anti-tracking* Straightforward UI to get you blocking ads as fast as possible* Free and responsive support

  • size 41.1 MB

AdBye-adblocker, block ad for safari browser web

Browse free of annoying ads on your iPhone and iPad with the most popular ad blocker for desktop browsers. Simple to use, private and secure, AdBye also saves you data and uses less battery. Because it has an ad blocker built in, AdBye- Saves up to 50% data plan- Saves up to 23% battery lifeEasy to use- Intuitive tab functionality- Smoother scrollingAbout AdByeAdBye was created by the team at AdBye, the worlds most popular ad blocker.

  • rating 4.59999
  • size 26.0 MB