A quick utility to help you find the nearest ATM in UK.Simply use your current location or enter your postcode, town, city or tap and hold to drop an annotation/pin on the map. Use Settings to select ATM provider you are looking for. Please follow the support link.

ATMs UK - find the nearest ATM alternatives

UK Map

* Detailed street-level mapping of England, Scotland and Wales using Ordnance Survey data. * 3D mode ideal for mountains. Please visit the website for more information - http://ukmapapp.com/

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Outdoors GB - Offline OS Maps

Includes a free download of all 15 GB National Parks, normally 9.99 (Ordnance Survey 1:50k). Extremely easy to use and looks great. Terms of Use: http://outdoorsgps.com/termsPrivacy Policy: http://outdoorsgps.com/privacy

  • size 114 MB

Best Biking Roads

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