I am not sure that Ive ever seen a more compelling show-dont-tell educational tool than 4D Toys. Ars Technica What if you received a box filled with mysterious toys from a fourth spatial dimension? Some things to do: Manage to fit the hypercube into the hyperhole Use the 4D shapes as fancy, perfectly symmetric, fair dice that have 5, 8, 16, 24, or even 120 and 600 sides Unbind Rings using the fourth dimension Make a stack of 4D hypercubes and smash it Set up an interesting path for a few 4D dominoes Make levers that throw hypercubes into the fourth dimension Use multitouch to squeeze out objects into the fourth dimension Play in a 4D ball pit See Tesseracts (i.e. 4D hypercubes) slide down slopes etc

4D Toys alternatives


MathStudio brings unprecedented computational power to your iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. From building simple algorithms to creating interactive plots and animations, MathStudio bridges the gap between technology and your imagination. MathStudio offers much of the same functionality For more help getting starting using MathStudio visit our discussion forums.http://discuss.mathstud.io

  • rating 4.86441


Rotation4D is a real-time visualization app that renders the four-dimensional convex regular polytopes such as the tesseract as well as the three-dimensional ones known as the Platonic solids. Simple touch gestures let you intuitively manipulate those geometric figures. The color hue changes with every tap.TOC ButtonClick this button to jump to one of the table of contents pages.

  • size 4.4 MB


Hydrogen is an iOS app dedicated to the visualization of the atomic orbitals of the hydrogen atom as described by quantum mechanics. It is designed to be a tool for teachers and students who are already familiar with some quantum mechanical concepts, but anyone may appreciate the beauty of quantum mechanics :)So, what does an atom look like? INFO MENU: you may read informations about how to use Hydrogen , learn more about the quantum mechanics behind it, what you can actually see and what you should look for

  • size 22.4 MB


John Conways Game of Life is a well-known cellular automaton. In Life, cells live on a two-dimensional grid and survive, reproduce, and die based on four simple rules:Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell.

  • rating 3.73684
  • size 0.9 MB

FractalScapes Interactive Fractal Art Designer

Create fun beautiful interactive fractal designs for the iPad and iPhone. FractalScapes helps non-artists create art using Fractals. The app might display filtered fractals but will not have filter editing.

  • size 22.9 MB