As maiores histrias de todos os tempos, de um jeito que voc nunca viu O app 18 Histrias um livro interativo que apresenta as histrias clssicas da Bblia num formato indito, moderno e emocionante. Passo-a-passo, voc acompanha os personagens em suas aventuras e dramas e, caso queira se aprofundar mais, h comentrios que trazem novas informaes para deixar esta viagem do Gnesis ao Apocalipse ainda mais interessante. Tire dvidas online.

18 Historias alternatives

ASI Evangelism

The ASI Evangelism app promises to have significant, immediate impact on what has, until now, been known as the ASI New Beginnings DVD Project. The app removes the need for DVDs and DVD players, allowing the New Beginnings resources to be downloaded anywhere in the world where there is Internet access. Save downloaded resources to the My Downloads section of the app for offline use, so you can still use the resources when youre out of cell phone or wifi range.

  • size 22.7 MB


Take a journey through a 19th century village and try to earn 200 points in order to launch the Pitcairn Missionary boat and earn a Pathfinder honor (Gods Messenger Honor). You only have 7 minutes. The game was developed by the Ellen G. White EstatePathfinders is a ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church

  • size 40.1 MB

Sabbath School Quarterly App

This is the most feature packed Sabbath School quarterly on the market. Use it to enhance your lesson study. IASD Iglesia Adventista del Septimo Dia Escuela Sabtica.

  • size 58.3 MB