
The Program requires the following to run properly: The following dependencies can be installed using the _Debian package installer_ command on Debian based systems using apt-get install program or otherwise downloaded and installed manually 1 . Aircrack-NG
2 . Python-Scapy

faster alternatives

  • Upstart

  • Upstart is an event-based replacement for the /sbin/init daemon which handles starting of tasks and services during boot, stopping them during shutdown and supervising them while the system is running.

    tags: ubuntu boot boot-manager init init.d
  • runit

  • runit is a cross-platform Unix init scheme with service supervision, a replacement for sysvinit, and other init schemes. It runs on GNU/Linux, *BSD, MacOSX, Solaris, and can easily be adapted to other Unix operating systems.

    tags: boot init init.d