Welzen - Mindfulness Meditation App!

Welzen - Mindfulness Meditation App alternatives

  • Meditation Studio

  • Get a diverse selection of over 200 guided meditations featuring different teachers and styles. Focus on your intention or dive deep into a meditation topic with exclusive collections and courses.

    tags: health-and-fitness meditation guided-meditation
  • Insight Timer

  • Insight Timer is the largest community of regular meditators on the planet. Our community generates more meditation minutes than any other app. Every day more than 900 of the world's best meditation teachers upload new content including free guided meditations, beautiful meditation music, talks and podcasts.

    tags: health-and-fitness meditation mindfulness meditate
  • Self - A meditation Machine

  • Self - A Meditation Machine is an iPhone application that will help you practice meditation in a couple of different ways.

    tags: export-to-csv health-and-fitness meditation nature-sound relax