Source code is available for download http://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/dmidecode
(mirror http://ftp.igh.cnrs.fr/pub/nongnu/dmidecode/.
You can also get the latest sources using git http://savannah.nongnu.org/git/?group
dmidecode. Recommended patches for version 3.0: 33b5aafc http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/dmidecode.git/commit/?id
33b5aafc6ee6b5de9f2526fb1cf4b14d1e16e4f0, bf7bad24 http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/dmidecode.git/commit/?id
bf7bad24ce141dab5b5acc3ffb98ce5fe4a8e0f9, de9a74e1 http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/dmidecode.git/commit/?id
de9a74e1c60210bee229fcf55b1678a99d1b44dd, 36405521 http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/dmidecode.git/commit/?id
364055211b1956539c6a6268e111e244e1292c8c, ab02b117 http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/dmidecode.g

TXR alternatives

  • GNU sed

  • sed (stream editor) is a Unix utility that parses text and implements a programming language which can apply transformations to such text. It reads input line by line (sequentially), applying the operation which has been specified via the command line (or a sed script), and then outputs the line.

    tags: text-editor text-transformation
  • Bracmat

  • Bracmat is software for exploration and transformation of uncharted and complex data. Bracmat employs a pattern matching technique that can handle string data (text) as well as structured data (XML, HTML, JSON, algebraic expressions, email, program code, ...).

    tags: Portable natural-language-processing pattern-matching text-processing
  • Xidel

  • Xidel is an open-source command line tool to download x/html pages and then extract data from them using css 3 selectors, xpath 2 or pattern-matching templates.

    tags: command-line css css3 download-manager extractor
  • Gema

  • Gema is a general purpose text processing utility based on the concept of pattern matching. In general, it reads an input file and copies it to an output file, while performing certain transformations to the data as specified by a set of patterns defined by the user.

    tags: ascii data-extraction macros pattern-matching preprocessor