Sticky Previews!

WindowSpace is a powerful desktop enhancement utility for large monitors, widescreens and multi-monitor systems. Too many open windows make the desktop messy! It affects your productivity as very soon you’ll find yourself hunting for windows, rather than doing the job. This is where WindowSpace can extend a helping hand. Free Download WindowSpace_2.6.0-setup.exe (0.5 MB
Buy Now $24.95 and less, lifetime license Updated on 25-Aug-2015, see what's new >

Sticky Previews alternatives

  • OnTopReplica

  • A lightweight application that provides a real-time thumbnail replica of any window of your choice. OnTopReplica will stay always on top, allowing you to keep track of the original window while working and without having to keep the keyboard focus on it. You may also crop regions out of the original window, for instance removing GUI elements from your video player or browser, thus allowing you to watch movies or youtube videos in a corner of your monitor while working.

    tags: cloning replicate window-on-top
  • WindowWatcher

  • WindowWatcher is a free hybrid window magnifier and remote control spy. It gives Windows the ability to have proper and resizable picture-in-picture support above and beyond Aero Snap. It's great for watching stuff like online TV, streams or Youtube playlists in a small corner of your workspace while working in the rest of it. It's also a fantastic help for tasks that would otherwise require flicking back and forth between windows, or to provide a simple pop-out viewer for websites and apps that don't have their own. »

    tags: magnifier magnify operating-system zoom-window