Microsoft Ajax CDN!

The product(s you are about to install leverage the Web Platform Installer (WebPI for installation. By downloading and using the Web Platform Installer (WebPI, you agree to the license terms
251729 and privacy statement
251732 for WebPI. This installer will contact Microsoft over the Internet to retrieve product information. WebPI uses the Microsoft Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP, which is turned on by default, see privacy statement
251732 for more information. Some of the Microsoft software obtained through WebPI may use CEIP. To view which software uses CEIP, see here
9816722. Accept and install

Microsoft Ajax CDN alternatives

  • jsDelivr

  • A free CDN for javascript and jquery plugins. A free super-fast CDN for developers and webmasters. Search for javascript libraries, jQuery plugins, fonts, CSS frameworks and anything else you might need. You can submit if something is missing.

    tags: content-delivery-network html
  • cdnjs

  • Cdnjs is a free content delivery network for Javascript, CSS and images used in developer libraries across the web. Sponsored by Cloudflare on their 24 server network. Everyone loves the Google CDN right? Even Microsoft runs their own CDN.The problem is, they only host the most popular libraries.We host it all - JavaScript, CSS, SWF, images, etc!

    tags: content-delivery-network javascript javascript-hosting scripting
  • Yandex CDN

  • Service hosts JavaScript libraries that provides site developers with access to the Yandex content delivery (CDN) and can handle a variety of open source JavaScript-frameworks and libraries from Yandex servers.

    tags: content-delivery-network javascript javascript-framework javascript-hosting library
  • Google Hosted Libraries

  • The Google Libraries API is a content distribution network and loading architecture for the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries. Using the google.load() method gives your application high speed and global access to a growing list of the most popular, open-source JavaScript libraries. You can also use <script> tags to include the libraries.

    tags: content-delivery-network developer-tools javascript javascript-hosting
  • CoralCDN

  • CoralCDN is a free and open content distribution network based around peer-to-peer technologies, comprised of a world-wide network of web proxies and nameservers.

    tags: content-delivery-network