
Mapillary alternatives

  • Google Street View

  • With Street View you can explore the world at street level.

    tags: maps navigation street-map spherical-photos
  • Apple Maps

  • Maps gives you turn-by-turn spoken directions, interactive 3D views, and Flyover. All in a vector-based interface that scales and zooms with ease.Maps also gives you guidance to take public transportation and helps you explore your surroundings, so you always know what's around you.

    tags: 3d-maps icloud-integration maps nearby-search point-of-interest
  • OpenStreetCam

  • This is OpenStreetCam.orgOpenStreetCam is a free and open platform for street level imagery. Anyone can contribute images with a smartphone and the open source apps.

    tags: 360-view javascript map-viewer maps navigation
  • TransforMap

  • TransforMap works towards an online platform for you to visualize the myriads of alternatives to the dominant economic thinking on a single mapping system.

    tags: maps openstreetmap sustainability taxonomy