
DragQueen alternatives

  • Unclutter

  • Unclutter is a new handy place on your desktop for storing notes, files and pasteboard clips.

    tags: clipboard-manager dashboard desktop-enhancement file-storage note-taking
  • Yoink

  • Yoink simplifies drag and drop between windows, apps, spaces and fullscreen apps.

    tags: dockbar drag-and-drop file-management no-distraction space
  • Dropzone

  • Drag a file onto the dock icon and your fully customizable grid of destinations flies smoothly out using core animation.

    tags: drag-and-drop file-upload snippets upload-files upload-images
  • Liszt

  • Liszt is a simple app for in your menu bar. When you drop an image on it, it uploads the image to your FTP server. The public link to the image is copied to your pasteboard in Markdown code. This saves you a lot of hassle when you are working on your text.

    tags: drag-and-drop ftp-support markdown markdown-support menu-bar