
Deploy4Me provides a unique interface to work with a cloud and the software. You can do almost everything: Join, Split, Add or Remove software from a server. Nobody does it better. You now not limited by the predefined VM images. You do not need to search for distributions, download or configure it. No code, no manuals, no headache. Just create an architecture you need. **Bake a server you way.** Deploy4Me supports a software integration using **server farms**. This means that your servers will **work together**. It opens up the ability to create a really professional architecture. For example your can separate your database server and share it between multiple products. Or you can install several server products on a single server and get a very special configuration nobody offering excep

Deploy4Me alternatives

  • BitNami Application Stacks

  • BitNami Stacks make it incredibly easy to deploy your favorite open source software. BitNami Stacks include an open source application and all of the other software necessary to run it, such as Apache, MySQL, PHP or Ruby. All you need to do is select your deployment format of choice (Native Installer, Virtual Machine Image or Cloud Image) and either run the installation wizard or start the image. In just minutes, your new application will be ready to run. All Native Installers for the Stacks have been packaged using BitRocks multiplatform installer. »

    tags: apache drupal lamp mysql php
  • Puppet

  • Puppet Data Center Automation Solution helps you save time, gain visibility into your server environment, and ensure consistency across your IT infrastructure.

    tags: task-management automation ruby data-center-automation it-infrastructure

  • SAM-Solution is a management tool for IT-infrastructures, intended for companies. It allows to centralize system and software migrations, as well as backup and restoration of user data. This tool design goal is to help the system adminstrator of a company in his work, and to be easily usable by the final user.

    tags: management-software management-tools
  • Webuzo

  • Softaculous Webuzo is a Virtual Machine which bundles many server based Applications and scripts and enables you to deploy these apps without the hassles of installing them. Webuzo is ideal for Enterprises, Small and Medium Businesses looking to deploy various apps. Webuzo is also suited for Web Developers who use various PHP, Perl, Python and Ruby Apps. Our main goal is to help save your time so that you can conentrate more on your work and less on maintaining Apps. You can deploy webuzo on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), on the cloud, in your office (using Virtual Machines) »

    tags: control-panel installation-helper joomla php phpbb
  • BitNami Cloud Hosting

  • BitNami Cloud Hosting makes it easy to install and run Drupal, Joomla,Wordpress and dozens of other popular open source applications in the Amazon Cloud. Automatic monitoring of your servers and one-clickbackup and restore make running applications in the cloud a breeze.

    tags: cloud-computing amazon ec2 azure web-platform