Crossword Solver!

The Crossword Solver program lets you solve crossword puzzles, word searches, sudokus and coded puzzles offline. It can open files used by the popular Crossword Compiler online applet, XML puzzle files, and also .puz files. You can enter tentative solutions, check your answers, save your current progress, and print out for solving offline. Note this product requires Java 1.4 or higher to be installed. If you do not already have it get the free download
and install it before installing the solver. Puzzle Solver

Crossword Solver alternatives

  • Across Lite

  • Across Lite is an easy-to-use crossword application that supports puzzles from some of the U.S.'s top newspapers, including The New York Times and Washington Post. The program retains a lot of the pen-and-paper experience of doing a crossword while offering a convenient electronic format.

    tags: .puz crossword games nytimes puzzle-game
  • Lexica

  • Lexica is fork of Lexic, a word-search game where players find as many words as possible on a grid by connecting letters.

    tags: games word-game word-games word-search-games wordgame
  • TEA Crossword Helper

  • Crossword puzzle solving software for Windows. Also allows searching for anagrams, palindromes, custom templates, using a variety of dictionaries.

    tags: crossword word-games crossword-solver