
CloudPlayer Enjoy your music everywhere. CloudPlayer streams and downloads music from Dropbox, OneDrive & Google Drive.
Classic Player Listen and manage your music and podcasts with our popular Classic Player for Android.
Sync Sync iTunes playlists, ratings and play counts to your phone or tablet with our simple Mac and PC Sync apps.
Alarm Wake up to your favorite music with our musical alarm clock for Android.
Recorder Record iTunes radio and audio streams on your Mac or PC.

CloudPlayer alternatives

  • Google Play Music

  • Google Play Music, a service available for people who have a Google account, lets people upload their personal music collection and access it instantly on the web or any compatible device.

    tags: chromecast-support cloud-locker collaborative-playlists music-library music-streaming
  • Ampache

  • Ampache is a web based audio streaming application and file manager allowing you to access your music from anywhere, using almost any internet enabled device.

    tags: html5 mpd-support music-player music-streaming php
  • YouTube Music

  • YouTube is a global video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California, United States.

    tags: internet-radio listen-to-music music-search music-streaming playlists
  • Audiobox

  • Your music collection is now truly portable! Stream from anywhere, it doesn't matter where your files are stored. Upload and stream from the cloud, directly from your desktop or from the most popular cloud services. Mix your favorite tracks in custom or smart playlists, even if they are stored on different cloud sources.

    tags: twitter streaming mp3 flash youtube