! alternatives

  • Mendeley

  • Mendeley helps manage and share academic knowledge: Mendeley Desktop is free academic software (Windows, Mac, Linux) for organizing and sharing research papers and generating bibliographies with 1GB of free online storage to automatically back up and synchronize your library across desktop, web and mobile. Mendeley Web is a free research network which lets you manage research papers online, discover trends and connect to like-minded academics. Mendeley tracks usage data on over 40 million research papers in real-time, thus creating a network of people using and sharing millions of scholarly articles - helping to shift research into the 21st century world of collaboration and openness. Mendeley is engendering a revolution in the way research is conducted and disseminated, changing the face of science. »

    tags: academic bibliography-generator bibliography-management browser-integration citation-maker
  • Docear

  • Docear is a unique solution to academic literature management, which helps you organizing, creating, and discovering academic literature. The 3 most distinct features are:

    tags: Portable bibtex citations educational file-management
  • ResearchGate

  • ResearchGate was built by scientists, for scientists.

    tags: social-network research sciences research-network
  • BibSonomy

  • BibSonomy is a system for sharing bookmarks and lists of literature (BibTex format).

    tags: bibtex bookmarks data-mining folksonomy knowledge-management
  • Peerlibrary

  • PeerLibrary is an open source project developing a collaborative online community where scholars and researchers can discover, read, and discuss scholarly literature all within one site. This project focuses on expediting access to publications, enabling public recordings of analysis and insights on said publications, and encouraging collaboration and openness in the development of science.

    tags: academic annotation bibliography-generator collaboation discussion

  • Scientilla is a new approach to give the scientific community an open, free, accurate, tidy and up-to-date production reporting solution.

    tags: bibliography reference-management
  • EasyBib

  • Automatic works cited and bibliography formatting for MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Now supports 7th edition of MLA.

    tags: apa bibliographic bibliography bibliography-generator bibliography-management
  • Biohunter

  • Make the world a better place to live through scientific innovations to improve healthcare

    tags: research sciences research-tool literature-management research-papers
  • PDF Stacks

  • With PDF Stacks, you can organize, find and browse, search, annonate and share your collection and library of PDF files, papers, research and journal articles with a single click. It saves you time: no more wondering around your computer to find a PDF file. You can organize your documents and let PDF Stacks automatically manage your PDF files. The spotlight search enables you to find your research papers or PDF files in a snap. There is also full screen reading and annotating of your PDF files which makes your life easier. »

    tags: articles built-in-viewer document-management document-organizing library
  • Academic Torrents

  • Sharing data is hard. Emails have size limits, and setting up servers is too much work. We've designed a distributed system for sharing enormous datasets - for researchers, by researchers. The result is a scalable, secure, and fault-tolerant repository for data, with blazing fast download speeds. Currently making 1.66TB of research data available.

    tags: academic data-mining datasets distributed-data-store library-management
  • Hubmed

  • An alternative interface to the PubMed medical literature database.

    tags: search-engine literature-search academic-literature pubmed

  • PubMed comprises more than 23 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.

    tags: academic literature-search academic-search journal-articles article-database
  • Univisor

  • Univisor brings applicants to current students, alumni and independent college counselors through hourly counseling sessions. Whether you’re helping to answer questions about your alma mater, looking through an applicant’s draft essays in our cloud based storage system or connecting with an applicant via video link to help with interview skills, Univisor will help you out.

    tags: educational