
Plan itinerary! alternatives

  • TripHobo

  • TripHobo trip planner (Previously Joguru) website is the world’s largest platform for discovering user generated itineraries and using them to create customized travel plans. Currently TripHobo is home to over 100,000 user created itineraries and curated content for close to 500 top tourist cities worldwide. In addition to the travel planner platform, TripHobo also provides planning related information for over 50,000 points of interest that aid users in travel planning. The company has been previously invited to the prestigious Top 30 Travel Innovation Summit in 2014. »

    tags: itineraries itinerary-planner travel-guide travel-itineraries travel-organizer
  • 3pMaster

  • The best Tripmaster ever made.

    tags: gps-navigation travel-organizer trip-manager trace-route roadbook

  • Tripomatic is a free trip planner that offers fast and convenient way of planning holidays for individual travelers. The website suggests interesting activities and sights in a selected destination and displays them on a map. With one click users can add activities to their travel itinerary together with a hotel and transportation. After planning the trip website visitors get a personalized travel guide that can be downloaded, printed out or shared on social networks.

    tags: travel-guide travel-organizer travel-planner trip-manager