PriceJugaad UAE - Compare Prices, Mobiles, Deals!

PriceJugaad is a price comparison application for online shopping in UAE PriceJugaad collects the product information from various leading online shopping websites, compare prices, summerize the product reviews and scores the products to bring the relevant and appropriate information for the benefit of any prospective buyer. PriceJugaad lists Mobile phones, deals and offers from all popular online shopping sites like Souq, Hatifkom, Jadopado, Crazydeals, Klickon, Costprice, Souqbaba, Taaol, Kingsouq, Mobibuyer, Wadi, Mobileshop, Mobibuyer, Mikensmith, Buyondubai, Bazzar, SharafDG, Jumbo, Axiomtelecom, Letstango, Ecart, Alshop, Dealshabibi, Ansaronline and many more. For feedbacks, please send an email to [email protected]